Exhibit Design

Atturaif Living Museum, Riyadh

As a central figure in the museum project, I spearheaded exhibit designs, showcase layouts, and led the creation of a comprehensive coordination document for a team of international contractors. This work contributed to transforming the fifty-eight-acre UNESCO World Heritage Site into a living museum and a premier cultural tourism destination, featuring restored traditional structures and interactive exhibits.

Earthen Architecture Exhibits:

I led the design of artifact layouts within showcases, working in tandem with project stakeholders, the showcase manufacturer, and the graphic design and audiovisual teams. This collaborative effort was aimed at fulfilling the museum's objectives, showcasing hundreds of artifacts effectively, and enhancing visitor engagement through well-conceived display strategies.

Artifact Layout Design in Showcases

The Matter & Motion Chemistry and Physics Hall: Quantum Chemistry to Astrophysics at The Houston Museum of Natural Science is set to open in 2023. I designed a number of interactive science exhibits during the initial design phase with Paul Bernhard Exhibits.

Following the approval of showcase layouts, I worked directly with our mount-making team to ensure all showcases were built to meet our objectives. This effort resulted in over 20 showcases across ten exhibit galleries, aligned with our project goals.

Quantum Chemistry to Astrophysics

At Paul Bernhard Exhibit Design, I played a pivotal role in the conceptual development of "The Welch Hall: Matter & Motion" exhibit for the Houston Museum of Natural Science. My contributions were central to originating many of the exhibit's concepts, which I then developed into detailed 3D models in close collaboration with the education content and fabrication leads.This experience highlights my proficiency in merging educational objectives with practical design execution, contributing to the creation of engaging and informative exhibits.

Flythrough by Troy Engel

Sugar Land Historical Timeline

Tasked with creating an engaging three-dimensional historical timeline exhibit for the Sugar Land Heritage Foundation, Texas, I led the design team at Paul Bernhard Exhibits from concept through to the final installation. Utilizing 2D archives, our goal was to celebrate the local sugar industry's history in an interactive display.

The exhibit showcases hundreds of images and an infographic ribbon, creating a compelling visual story of the local sugar industry, enriched by an interactive touchscreen for detailed exploration. Our team skillfully constructed and installed this pilot exhibit at the visitor center, enhancing visitor engagement and supporting fundraising efforts for future exhibit development.

Geo-Trekker Theater at Garden of the Gods

In my role at Paul Bernhard Exhibits during the renovation of the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center, I significantly contributed to the Geo-Trekker Theater, a sci-fi themed theater designed to transport visitors back in time to witness the formation of the park's iconic rock formations. I spearheaded the development of an innovative three-sided seating structure, overseeing CNC fabrication preparations and installation. My responsibilities included ensuring compliance with building codes, meeting the desired seating capacity, and incorporating accessible seating options.

Exhibit Pitch Books

A selection of work from pitch books for Texas Fresh Water Fisheries, Austin Music Project Museum, LBJ Library and more.